Category Archives: Babble About Anything Really

That Time I Got Scammed (?) in Istanbul

I don’t know if i technically got scammed.  But here is my story.

On my last full day, I had planned to get up at the crack of dawn and be walking into the Blue Mosque the second it opened.   The night before, I had a horrible night’s sleep.  I was woken up in the middle of the night by a text that kept me up for the rest of the night.

I still manage to get up and out.  I get to the Mosque and I am an hour early because I do not know how to correctly research opening hours.

It is really hot. I am really sun burned. I am so tired.

I sit down on a bench outside the Mosque to rest and collect my thoughts.

A man comes up to me and offers to shine my shoes.  I say “NO”  I am not even wearing shoes, I am wearing cheapo sneakers that are getting thrown out as soon as I get home.   Despite me saying “NO”, he then says “just let me brush off the dirt”.   Now I get mad.  He is already down and brushing the dirt off my sneakers.  All I want to do is sit here in silence and rest and go into my own little world where I figure out the things in my personal life that are now running rampant through my head.

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Travel Plans for 2014!

I promised myself that in 2014, I would go to less fests.  They take up vacation time and one weekend can cost the same as a flight to Europe.  They are hindering my desire to see the world.  That said, I am already planning for:

  • March – Fest in Reading PA
  • April – Fest in Washington, DC
  • April – Fest in Worcester, MA
  • July – Fest in Philadelphia, PA
  • August – Fest in Ieper, Belgium


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Top Thirteen Travel Related Happenings In 2013

  • Best Country I Visited:  Bulgaria, by far.  I cannot express enough how much I fell in love with this country.   My favorite moment in this beautiful country was standing on top of the rocks at the Belogradchik Fortress and knowing I got here all by myself.

Belogradchik Fortress, Belogradchik, Bulgaria

  • Not My Best Destination:  Nis, Serbia.  This was not in any way a fault of Nis, it was my own.  You can never blame a city for someone who lacks the ability to read a map.  Or who did not learn basic language so that when she ordered an iced coffee, she was presented with a cherry milk shake. I am very fortunate that the least best time I had still cannot rightfully have the word “worst” associated with it.  I don’t regret that I went.  I will go back.  Plus, I got a fun anecdotal story about ordering iced coffee in Serbia!

Nišava River, Nis, Serbia

  • Bus Ride From Hell:  Overnight from Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria to Istanbul, Turkey.   Using a squat toilet with spiders as big as my head lurking over me, while developing a fear that the hot florescent lights would cause them to be burned to death and drop into my hair.  Yeargh.  It was totally worth it.  Anecdotal story aside, ISTANBUL.

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“Oh you are from new York? Were you there on September 11?”

I have been asked this quite a few times in my life. Exactly two months after the towers fell, I was in Las Vegas.  When you are a gambler, you sign up for player’s cards at casinos and earn comps.  There are a lot of casinos in Las Vegas.  I showed my ID to people a lot of times.  Every time, I got asked about it.   After that trip, it died down a bit.  Then I started going to Europe and it began all over again.  Every European who has ever asked me about it, has done so with the most sincere look of interest on their face, as if I am about to expound a fascinating firsthand account of that day.   I hate to disappoint them by telling them that while yes, I was indeed here on that date, you saw more than I did.   Including the collapse of the North Tower, which had a television antenna on top of it.  While you were watching the tower collapse on your television screen, you were watching the antenna that gave me television reception collapse as well. 911_collapse Continue reading

What’s It Like Living in New York City? Rant #2 AND Rant #2.5 – Canal Street Train Station

The Canal Street train station is located on…Canal Street in Chinatown.  There used to be a venue here called The Knitting Factory, which has since moved to Brooklyn.  But for many years, it was located a few blocks from this train station.

The Knitting Factory had shows that started at reasonable times, and as such, ended at reasonable times.  This should have been a plus, but the MTA does not like its riders having any positive advantages, so they made sure to turn this positive into a negative.

Case in point, the sign located on the N train platform that reads “Late nights, N runs on local track”.

Okay great.  But WHAT TIME is “late night”?  Was this sign made up by a youngster for whom getting home and into bed by midnight was a regular occurrence and not exactly “late night”?  Was it made by a suburban housewife for whom staying in “the city” past sunset was “late night”?  Who knows?  Certainly not anyone who would need to know.  Like me, who needed to know in order to get home.

Many nights, I would be leaving The Knitting Factory…let’s say around 10:00 pm-ish.  Is this “late night”?  How am I supposed to know if I should be waiting for my train here or on the local track?  And where exactly is the local track?  Well let’s find out, shall we?

In order to get to the local track from this platform, you must first walk up 21 steps.  Then you walk up a little bit of a hallway, then down 23 more steps, through an underground tunnel, then up 25 steps and there you go – you are on the local track.

Now if you are reading this and thinking “so you are complaining about having to walk  up 21 steps, up a little bit of a hallway, then down 23 more steps, through an underground tunnel, then up 25 steps? That doesn’t sound very far you lazy piece of shit”.  NO . THAT IS NOT THE PROBLEM ASSHOLE.

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Stray Dogs Break My Heart.

I have taken so many pictures of stray dogs during my trip.  But the one I do not have any pictures of for some reason, is the one I still can’t stop thinking about.  I met her in Sarajevo.   I first saw her watching me.  I said “hello” and she smiled and hobbled over on three legs, holding up one of her front paws, which appeared to be broken.  I bent down to pet her and she instantly flopped onto her back so I could reach her belly.  Oh I was in love.

I sat down on the ground to make this easier and she rearranged herself so that her head was in my lap. I LOVED this dog.  At first I thought she must be someone’s pet due to her demeanor and love of belly rubs.  But she had the tell-tale ear tag of a stray dog.

After playing with her for a while, I had to say good-bye.  She began following me, hobbling with her broken leg still held up.  No, please stop, you are breaking my heart!  Sigh.  I told her “stay” and motioned “stop” with my hand.  She instantly sat down, wagging her tail.  She kept smiling at me with her tongue hanging out.  There is just no way she wasn’t once owned by someone.

I still think about her often.  It is killing me that she is still out there, likely still homeless.

Here is What Happens When I Do Not Travel

This weekend I had a four day weekend for the Fourth of July.  Under normal circumstances, I would have gone away just because I had the time off.  This year however, I am trying to be more financially responsible and stop wasting money on going places just because I have the time off.  I really prefer longer trips because you get more bang for your buck on airfare.  I can not take a long trip this time by adding onto the holiday because I just took 892347832947 days off and I am running low on vacation time.  I am not allowed to gamble until my birthday so Atlantic City is out.  There is pretty much nothing else anywhere near here that I would want to pay holiday rates on hotels for.

So I decide to be extra responsible and spend a long weekend at home. I had a bunch of mental plans.  I managed to score some good books at the library, I picked up a DVD from Redbox, I thought I would do some NYC sightseeing to get some filler content for this blog…

Then on Wednesday, night one – I was sitting on my couch trying to decide if I was going to watch my DVD  before I went to bed, or save it for the next day.   As much as I love living alone, it would have been nice to have anyone hear me inexplicably say out loud “If you don’t go to bed right now, you are going to regret it” just moments before turning on the light to put in the DVD and suddenly start screaming when I spot the fucking ginormous super sized roach sitting on top of the crown moulding around my windowsill.  God fucking DAMN IT.   I should have gone to fucking bed.

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An Ode to Hotel Beds

I could not even count how many times people have said “You look like you need a vacation from your vacation” to me at work when I return from time off looking like I am sleep walking.  It is always followed by a huge laugh by whoever said it, which is typical of office life.  Say something generic and predictable and then laugh hysterically as if what you said was not generic or predictable.  How do these people live with themselves.

All the traveling I have done in the past two months has left me exhausted.  I am not at all complaining.  I am just explaining why I am walking around my job looking like a zombie.  I have been “You need a vacation from your vacation”-ed at least twelve times this week.  I don’t need a vacation from my vacation, I need a vacation from YOU AND YOUR BORING AND PREDICTABLE OFFICE SPEAK.

But I am not going to write about how much I dislike stereotypical office workers today.  Well not anymore than I already have anyway. Today I am going to write about beds.  Because I am tired. And I want to be in bed right now.  Because i am so tired.  Did I mention TIRED?

This morning as my alarm went off, I rolled over to hit the snooze button.  I was greeted by the most perfect temperature of cool air flowing in through my window.  I did not want to get out of bed.  It is perfect sleeping weather.  I was so comfortable.   My fancy bed, fancy mattress, mattress pad, 1000 thread count sheets, crisp and clean duvet cover that still has a slight scent of bleach from the last time I washed it.   Absolute perfection.

I am so looking forward to going back home after work today, getting into pajamas that were washed with fabric softener in a washing machine, then dried in an actual dryer, coming out so soft.  Then I will crawl into my bed with my newest Lonely Planet guides that I scored at the library last night (I got Bali, Borneo and Papua New Guinea) and just pass right out and sleep forever.  Because I am so tired.

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15 Random Things About My Trip to Europe.

In no particular order.

1. Do not go to Eastern Europe if seeing stray dogs upsets you.

2. Bulgaria has the nicest people on planet Earth.  This cannot be stressed enough.

3.  Going through the Turkey border was so annoying that I eventually ended up having a meltdown that left me talking out loud to myself on the bus.

4. Bulgarians are either the new leaders in the fashion world and are bringing back hair crimping, or they are so far behind fashion times that the 80’s just got there.

5.  I managed to get a passport stamp for every country I visited this trip (except obviously for Vatican City).  Take THAT Schengen Agreement!

6.  Duvel is delicious.

7. I am already going through withdrawal from liters of San Benedetto Peach Iced Tea.  It is even more delicious than Duvel.  I need to find me a European who is willing to act as my San Benedetto mule.

8. The world wide web is not world wide!!  It amazed me to do a Google search in Bulgaria that pulled up a bus company that lets you book tickets online AND even pick your seats, that never once came up during the 893249837483276289463 times I did the same exact Google search before I left.

9. I packed 99.9% perfectly for this trip.  There is not one item in my bag that I did not use.  The only things I needed to buy were eye drops and a replacement for my lip balm that I lost (and found about an hour after buying a new one)

10. I hate Rome.

11.  I love Naples

12.  Capri is a very beautiful place, a natural tourist attraction.  They know this and it is reflected in the prices.

13.  Belogradchik, Bulgaria is also a very beautiful place and a natural tourist attraction.  However, they are a bit more humble and the prices do not reflect its worth at all.

14. Every person in Istanbul starts conversations by asking you where you are from.  There is also a large amount of people here who seem to have relatives that own carpet stores in Houston.

15. I wanted to do 25 facts since I was here 25 days, but I am getting too tired to type any longer.

Two Weeks Until Euro Extravaganza!

I am getting freaked out about how close my trip is. I am still not ready to go.  I am also still redoing my plans.  My last revision now has me going to Belgrade, Serbia and taking an overnight train to Bulgaria.  I have always wanted to take an overnight train.  I am sure that the reality of it will never match the vision of it that I have developed in my head.  But in the end, I will still have crossed yet another item off my bucket list.

It is so difficult planning travel in the Balkan countries.  Public transportation information is basically nonexistent online.  Adding to that, there is just so much to see.  It is killing me to know that lack of complete freedom in life is keeping me from seeing these places that I will be so close to:dubrovnik-croatia

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