This morning, I woke up at the California hotel in Downtown Las Vegas for my last full day in Las Vegas. Aw.
I walked over to The D for breakfast, using a voucher from a mailer. I had French Toast. It was really good and after the $10 voucher, cost me $1.35. I miss when this casino loved me and sent me offers. OH WELL.
I stopped at Dunkin Donuts for some iced coffee and then played in Binions. Last full day = slot play to win big = $216 win.
I tried playing Double Double Bonus video poker on quarters, but the stupid button was stuck so I had to keep slamming it. I just cashed out. Got my voucher for a deck of cards, threw out my voucher for a deck of cards and headed back to California. I am ending a two night comped stay here and have yet to put any money through any Boyd machine. This is the beauty of knowing you are not coming back, you do not have to keep your comps. I ran through $60 and got nothing.
I checked out and walked over to the Four Queens to check in for my last night. This room was completely covered by Hotwire credit I got for my Henderson room not having the advertised casino. Score!
Dropped off my stuff and went gambling! There is a penny machine named Cirque something, near the elevators, that I have won on before. I won again! Then I went on a Buffalo slot kick and could not stop hitting the bonus. I cashed out up $220.
I got on a bus and went to Palace Station. Partly because I wanted to play here, partly because I want to buy a shit ton of cheap cigarettes before going home. I had visions of drinking Starbucks while having a huge win on my last day. Sadly, only the Starbucks dream was realized.
From here, I went to Longhorn.
I loved this casino so much. If I were returning and had no comps, I would not even hesitate to stay here again. I played some quarter Double Double Bonus video poker, some four card Cleopatra Keno and some quarter single line Cleopatra Keno. Nope, nope and nope.
Dinner was using my points. I had steak and baked potato. It was decent and for free, even more so.
I played after eating and turned $20 into $50 on Cleopatra Keno. Oh hey, let me go cash out. I get to the TITO machine and realize I didn’t actually cash out. Idiot! Luckily, the credits were still on the machine when I got back.
From here, the most obvious thing I could do was visit Cromwell one last time to play my beloved Ultimate X machine. I know I am pushing it here. There is no way this machine is still going to love me after all these tries. It has to suck up my money at some point. It is my last night here, what are the chances she still loves me?
Turned out they were very high.
I also got this cool hand that led to nothing:
From here, I walked through Flamingo to take the monorail to the 108 bus. I am willing to pay for the monorail to avoid getting on the Deuce bus. But it turns out I do not have to. Someone getting off the monorail offered me an unused ticket for free. Score!
I get back Downtown and stop at Dunkin Donuts, obviously. Then I played at The D.
I played at the upstairs bar. Whenever I play here, I always have a large iced coffee with me. Whenever I play here with a large iced coffee, the bartender will ask me over and over if I want a drink. This never used to happen to me when I drank in Las Vegas.
I quickly lost $100 and walked over to Four Queens to play some Buffalo. No matter what I did, I could not stop hitting the bonus. I left up $235.
I finally went to bed at 1:00 am and did so only because I need to get up early to go home.
Gambling Day: + $300
Gambling Trip: + $990
Miscellaneous: (breakfast, tips, coffee, cigarettes): $67.92
Comps used: California room, The D breakfast, Longhorn dinner
Freebies: nada
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Breakfast: MSS free ACG 7-3 $11.99
Check into
Dinner: Binions burger
How do you drink coffee all day and still sleep at night! You must be immune to caffeine!
I definitely am! It is ridiculous the amount of coffee I drink before leaving my apartment in the morning, and then I fall right asleep on the train.
An outstanding TR! I enjoyed every word. And I see that you have an overall win! Yay!
Thanks Catherine!
Hi Jennifer,
I just stumbled upon your blog and I love love love your trip reports! Great writing style and sense of humour! I *almost* peed my pants a few times laughing at your descriptions! Gambling Gods and Degenerates!
Hope to meet you one day in Vegas, love to buy you a Venti Starbucks Green Tea Frappuccino! I’m a Starbucks Addict, I named my cat after them and if they had a tier card status I would be PLATINUM/NOIR!
Wishing you many Hand Pays!
Proud Degenerate
Thanks Proud Degenerate! I am happy to have you on board.
Just found your blog.. Love following you and all your wealth of info!!
Thanks Linda!
Boo! Last day!
I cannot believe that you are willing to give up trips to this beloved city. A city that PAID you almost a thousand bucks before your departure. I realize that you are traipsing all over the world doing fabulous things but VEGAS can sometimes PAY YOU $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ just for visiting!!! I have complete faith in your degenerativeness and fully expect to see another Vegas trip report from you in the future. Until then, safe travels. Oh and VEGAS!!
I still have one last (half) day to put up!
I love reading your trip reports. I feel like reading yours that I could do Vegas Solo. I’ve been reading Vegas Mesage Board and am shocked at the amounts some people can gamble and lose. I feel like reading you is more realistic for me. I am a steady .50 VP degen for sure.
I had read some of those reports on VMB. I cannot imagine losing like that, but then again, there are non gamblers who are shocked at what a low roller like me loses so I guess it evens out.
good reading……..keep up the good work!