Hello from Jaipur, after surviving the drive through Chittogarh from Udaipur.
I had booked a driver for this part of the trip. He showed up early, did not speak English and did not try to talk to me. I love when that happens.
We got to Chittogarh faster than I expected and unexpected, my booking came with a guide. No no no no nooooooo. I don’t want a guide? But it turned out it was good because I didn’t realize you need to drive though the fort to get to all the palaces. My driver and I never would have made it through this conversation alone.
The fort is HUGE. It is so impressive. It is also gorgeous. And if you believe my guide, 16,000 women killed themselves here.

I absolutely smashed my head into a doorway inside the fort and now have a huge lump on my head.
We passed the hotel I had originally booked when I had planned to stay here. The hotel was non refundable and Iost $ on it, which was fine. But it did pull at my heart strings.
I met a guy in Chittogarh who saw me in Udaipur, apparently over several days because he was able to mention very specific places and times he saw me places. He also saw me at Lal Ghat petting dogs. I love dogs.
Speaking of dogs, I didn’t get to see either of my two favorite dogs when leaving Udaipur this morning. Sigh.
I don’t know if it is an Udaipur thing or maybe all of Rajathstan, but there were so many places selling some beautiful notebooks I would love to use as a diary but the last thing on Earth I need right now is to carry yet another book.
The ride from Chittogarh to Jaipur was about 5-6 hours and my internet died in the beginning. I got car sick. I thought we were never going to get here.
Then we did.
My hotel is a fancy hotel I booked solely in hopes that the internet would be good enough for work. Thank god I did this because I have been using my mobile hot spot as a backup and it is no longer working.
It took a bit to get into my room. Once I did, I tried reaching out to AT&T. I will pay anything, just make the internet work. Well I paid something and the internet still will not work. I was chatting with the customer service rep for about 45 minutes of my life I will never get back.
After giving up on that, I went to drop off some laundry downstairs. Wahoo, clean clothes tomorrow night!
I went outside to try and find water, drinks, snacks, anything. I found a bakery and resisted buying an entire cake to drown my sorrows in.
I went to put some toiletries in the shows, as I have an actual shower on the continent of Asia, go me! But I was wearing slippers and didn’t realize the floor was wet until I went sliding across it and almost died.
I really hope my mobile data magically starts working again. On Tuesday, I want to go see a few things in the city and my hotel is nowhere near those things. I would love to take an Uber back so I don’t have to explain to anyone how to get to a hotel even I don’t know where it is as I am typing from inside it.
This is going to be short and sweet because all I want to do right now is go to bed. I also do not want to keep adding to the insane amount of draft posts I have on my blog so I am forcing myself to post it tonight.
Every trip has a miserable day, this was miserable day number 2, but i have got about 34 more days so it is okay.
I will say that juding by how long it is taking for these photos to upload, I am going to have a very stressful day at work tomorrow with the internet speed.
I am so completely confused about time right now as it is Sunday and I need to be up early my time to go see something magical tomorrw. But my brain is kind of sort of not really on EST time. I cannot wait until the work portion of this trip is over.
Random monkeys and a pig.

Good night Jaipur.