I had originally done a “quick picture post” of Sarajevo, here.
I had not planned to spend any time in Sarajevo. I wanted to go to Mostar, and planned to use Sarajevo as a home base to travel to Mostar from, as a day trip. However, after arriving in Sarajevo, I just felt like I wanted to be here. I can’t really explain it. I don’t know if the city affected me in any way, if I was just mentally exhausted, if I was so over Rome and all the people or what. I just knew I wanted to stay here. I woke up early and was raring to go. I wasn’t really sure WHERE to go though. I hadn’t planned on staying here, so I hadn’t done any research. I hopped on a tram and took it to the end of the line and walked around a bit. I found a cool park. Sarajevo has so much beauty. I could not get enough of gazing at the multi colored houses in the hills.
The Bascarsija section of the city:
I spent some time in a casino and won about $30. That was kind of fun as well. Then there is the abundance of leftover war damage.
I actually had a very nice, relaxing day. That made me feel like kind of an asshole. Hey Sarajevo – thanks for the relaxing day I spent taking pictures of the leftover damage from when your city was destroyed in a war!
But in the end, I got punished for having a nice day. When I got back to the guesthouse I was staying in, I wanted to take a picture to send my sister. At the end of the block was an adorable stray dog napping in the sun. I wanted to get him in the picture as well. There was someone walking down the street, preventing me from doing this. As I was waiting him out, a little kid came up and demanded “GIVE ME MONEY”. Oh hell no. “GIVE ME MONEY”. No. “I SAID GIVE ME MONEY” I SAID NO. “GIVE ME MONEY” NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.
Then he starts playing the repeating game. “NO NO NO NO NO NO NO” Oh you are an annoying little shit head “OH YOU ARE AN ANNOYING LITTLE SHIT HEAD”.
I never did get my picture.
I spent 3 days there last month and one day in Mostar which I really enjoyed, take a look at my posts at, http://fivestarvagabond.com/mostar-bosnia-herzegovina/