I have always wanted to go to Europe. Even before I really understood what that meant.
Two years ago, I had this conversation with a friend:
Me: I want to go to Russia
Her: Me too! Where do you want to go?
Me: Uhhhhhhh, Russia?
Her: I want to go to Moscow, St. Petersburg and ride the Trans Siberian railway.
OH. I see what you mean. You don’t just pick a country, you pick destinations within a country. I was so not even close to being well traveled outside of America that even that had never occurred to me.
I had always wanted to see the world, but had a million different reasons that were stopping me. I’m scared to go alone, I can’t afford it, I’d rather take an easy vacation instead…and so on.
Then it happened. I was staring down the barrel of age 40. I was only two years away from the age my mother was when she was diagnosed with the cancer that eventually took her life. I started panicking that I had done nothing in life that I had ever truly dreamed about. In a way it was kind of like a midlife crisis. Although as a good friend of mine once told me it’s not because “mid life crisises are for boring people who wake up one day and realize they are boring. You just woke up one day and decided to be even more interesting”. Either way, its time to go.
There are so many ways to travel in Europe. I don’t mean just transport options, although that exists as well. I mean the whole “Where do I go?!?” and so on. There’s so much to see in this world, how can you possibly narrow it down to ONE destination??
It can be completely overwhelming, which is another reason I had put it off for so long. There are a million different ways to pick your destination. How did I pick my first?
One night I was in Las Vegas, for my annual Christmas trip. Before going to bed one night, I saw a Facebook event invite for one of my favorite bands (Grey Area, if you must know), who were going to be playing Europe for the first time, in Belgium. I said “if I win enough to buy a plane ticket, I am going”. Well……the next morning……

I was completely shocked. I now had no reason to not go. I could not talk myself out of it be Continue reading →