- Best Country I Visited: Bulgaria, by far. I cannot express enough how much I fell in love with this country. My favorite moment in this beautiful country was standing on top of the rocks at the Belogradchik Fortress and knowing I got here all by myself.

- Not My Best Destination: Nis, Serbia. This was not in any way a fault of Nis, it was my own. You can never blame a city for someone who lacks the ability to read a map. Or who did not learn basic language so that when she ordered an iced coffee, she was presented with a cherry milk shake. I am very fortunate that the least best time I had still cannot rightfully have the word “worst” associated with it. I don’t regret that I went. I will go back. Plus, I got a fun anecdotal story about ordering iced coffee in Serbia!

- Bus Ride From Hell: Overnight from Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria to Istanbul, Turkey. Using a squat toilet with spiders as big as my head lurking over me, while developing a fear that the hot florescent lights would cause them to be burned to death and drop into my hair. Yeargh. It was totally worth it. Anecdotal story aside, ISTANBUL.
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