Niagara Falls – Where Even Soda Machines Close in Winter

I was at Niagara Falls in winter.   One thing I wanted to do was the Maids of the Mist tour.  This is a boat tour where you go riding around the falls, getting completely soaked as water pours all over you.

I discovered that this ride was closed in winter, which I had to concede makes total sense.  I was freezing on dry land, I am sure it was dangerous to be out on the water in this weather.

As I walked along the water, I noticed that little kiosks were closed as well.   Like with Maids of the Mist, I can understand this as they may not do enough business in the winter to stay open.

kiosks closed for winter

What I found odd was that Applebees is closed for the season.   If you are unaware, Applebees is a chain restaurant.  I figured it would be open for people who live in the area.   Or for people staying in my hotel, which is attached to it.  Surely that alone would be enough to stay open year round?

applebeesBut where I drew the line between “understandable” and “you have got to be kidding me” was when I found the Coke machine that was closed for the season.

Coke machine closed for season

Travel Day: New York City to Niagara Falls, Ontario

I have always wanted to go to Niagara Falls.  It has been in my top three “WANT IT” forever now.  I had a few failed attempts in the past couple of years.  The best one being the time my flight was cancelled, leading to me taking off to Atlantic City instead, and winning $1000.

This is what life is all aboot, eh?

Trump Plaza $1k tito

So this past November, I would be making another attempt to finally see the falls.

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That Time I Got Scammed (?) in Istanbul

I don’t know if i technically got scammed.  But here is my story.

On my last full day, I had planned to get up at the crack of dawn and be walking into the Blue Mosque the second it opened.   The night before, I had a horrible night’s sleep.  I was woken up in the middle of the night by a text that kept me up for the rest of the night.

I still manage to get up and out.  I get to the Mosque and I am an hour early because I do not know how to correctly research opening hours.

It is really hot. I am really sun burned. I am so tired.

I sit down on a bench outside the Mosque to rest and collect my thoughts.

A man comes up to me and offers to shine my shoes.  I say “NO”  I am not even wearing shoes, I am wearing cheapo sneakers that are getting thrown out as soon as I get home.   Despite me saying “NO”, he then says “just let me brush off the dirt”.   Now I get mad.  He is already down and brushing the dirt off my sneakers.  All I want to do is sit here in silence and rest and go into my own little world where I figure out the things in my personal life that are now running rampant through my head.

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Travel Plans for 2014!

I promised myself that in 2014, I would go to less fests.  They take up vacation time and one weekend can cost the same as a flight to Europe.  They are hindering my desire to see the world.  That said, I am already planning for:

  • March – Fest in Reading PA
  • April – Fest in Washington, DC
  • April – Fest in Worcester, MA
  • July – Fest in Philadelphia, PA
  • August – Fest in Ieper, Belgium


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Top Thirteen Travel Related Happenings In 2013

  • Best Country I Visited:  Bulgaria, by far.  I cannot express enough how much I fell in love with this country.   My favorite moment in this beautiful country was standing on top of the rocks at the Belogradchik Fortress and knowing I got here all by myself.

Belogradchik Fortress, Belogradchik, Bulgaria

  • Not My Best Destination:  Nis, Serbia.  This was not in any way a fault of Nis, it was my own.  You can never blame a city for someone who lacks the ability to read a map.  Or who did not learn basic language so that when she ordered an iced coffee, she was presented with a cherry milk shake. I am very fortunate that the least best time I had still cannot rightfully have the word “worst” associated with it.  I don’t regret that I went.  I will go back.  Plus, I got a fun anecdotal story about ordering iced coffee in Serbia!

Nišava River, Nis, Serbia

  • Bus Ride From Hell:  Overnight from Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria to Istanbul, Turkey.   Using a squat toilet with spiders as big as my head lurking over me, while developing a fear that the hot florescent lights would cause them to be burned to death and drop into my hair.  Yeargh.  It was totally worth it.  Anecdotal story aside, ISTANBUL.

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Bus Ride From Veliko Tarnovo to Istanbul – Squat Toilets, Spiders, Smuggling and Depeche Mode…Wait…WHAT?

Last transport of my trip – overnight bus from Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria to Istanbul, Turkey.  This was quite the trip.  Finding out information about this journey before leaving home was nearly impossible.  I could never figure out where I was supposed to leave from, Veliko Tarnovo has two bus stations.  I was able to get some bus company names, but they had no internet presence.

There is a train, but the schedules I came up with were so beyond contradictory.  I also found a bunch of websites saying the train wasn’t in operation right now because of construction.  I would really prefer to take the train but all of this research getting me nowhere was really making my head spin.

So I left the USA without having any clue how I was going to be doing the last leg of this trip.

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Tsarevets Fortress – Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

The main attraction of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria is Tsarevets Fortress.  I had specifically picked my hotel for the balcony view overlooking it.

tsarevets fortress, veliko turnovo bulgaria,  view from balconyI saved visiting the fortress until my last day, when I had several hours to kill before heading to Istanbul.

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Christmas Trip To Atlantic City, New Jersey – Part One

I spent my entire Las Vegas trip totally confused because in my mind, it was Christmas, even though it was not.  This is because I spend every Christmas in Las Vegas.  This year however, even though I felt like I was in Vegas for Christmas, when I got back home, Christmas still had not happened.  How the hell did that happen?

The obvious question here is “Well then where are you going to go for actual Christmas?” which I answered with “Atlantic City, obviously”

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Las Vegas Trip Report: Day Eight of Eight – Plus Bonus Rambling Content

December 3, 2013 – Day Eight of Eight

[This is the final day of my 2013 Thanksgiving trip to Las Vegas.  To start at the beginning, go here.]


My flight home leaves at 4:05.  So I have until around 1:30 to still win enough money to not have to go home ever again.

I decide to not start gambling until after I check out so I don’t go too nuts.  I also decide that my goal is to not see daylight until it is time to leave to go to the airport.

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