Tag Archives: stephansdom

Vienna, Austria

riesenrad, prater park, vienna, austria

I am really glad I kept a diary.  If I had to write this from memory, today would start out as “took the train from Bratislava to Vienna, dropped my stuff off in my hotel and hurried to see Prater Park because I could not wait to ride the Riesenrad!!”   But reading my diary, that not what happened at all.

I took the train from Bratislava to Vienna.  In my diary, as I’ve mentioned, I write down all the intermediate stops and times we are supposed to stop at them.  Despite this, I ended up questioning myself as to where to get off and ended up staying on one stop longer. Then I had to figure out how to get back to where I was supposed to be.   It turned out I had to take a commuter train back to that stop and then continue following my directions for the subway.  I did all of this with my stubborn insistence of never asking anyone for help.  It’s funny how I don’t remember the annoying mistakes I had to deal with.

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