If you somehow wound up here and would like to start reading this Las Vegas trip report from the beginning, go HERE.
Woke up at Cosmopolitan, late for work, probably due to being a gamblor of the degenerate family last night.
Down and lost $300 on Buffalo Max, before hitting Starbucks. I stocked up on drinks here. Trenta iced coffee, please! Also Trenta Pineapple Refresher WITH WATER. And the largest iced water you can give me. YAY.
Then back to my room where I have a three hour meeting. THREE HOURS. Would have loved taking it on the balcony but WiFi and mobile hot spots are too weak out here. The mobile hot spot maybe because I am so high up?
At some point at the end of this meeting, we get an email from the company owner announcing layoffs are coming by the end of September. So now I am not free due to this three hour meeting ending. I am now being pinged by so many of my employees asking if they are being laid off. I don’t know, I got the news the same way you did. Yeargh.
Even though I am booked at Cosmopolitan tonight, I have to move tonight. I packed my shit and stopped by Dancing Drums and MY Ultimate X video poker machine on my way out.