Las Vegas Extended Version: Let’s Fucking Go!

Today I woke up at Cosmopolitan in time to watch the sunrise, before going back to bed.  I am personally confused on how I was facing the Rio when I was facing South, but here we are.

Waking up for real, headed right to MY Ultimate X video poker machine.

Arrived at District Donuts 2 minutes late for breakfast. Yeargh. When attempting to put sugar in my coffee, the lid fell off the sugar and a pound landed in my coffee.  Oddly, I never use sugar, so this was just reinforcing that choice.

Time for a nap!  When I wake up, I find it comical that I ever thought I was going to go home today?  And just in case I thought I might, Delta went and cancelled my flight due to weather.  I am already booked for tonight in this room.  I was flying home late at night and kept the room.  So that’s a no brainer.  Now where to stay for tomorrow?  Oh fuck it, let’s just stay 2 more nights. DONE.  Despite having comps all over the place AND ALSO despite hating this room so much when I first checked in, I decide to pay for 2 more nights to keep this room.  I booked online and will go to the front desk tomorrow to have them fix it.  Extra bonus, I will also call into work sick because honestly, I am truly sick of work.

With that said and done, time to gamble!  Let’s go degenerate and play quarters!

Let’s calm down and play nickels!


I almost came to room with $800 in winnings but came with $400 because degenerate.  Funny how I lamented over paying $600 for the room for 2 nights but ended up blowing $400 OF MY WINNINGS in Buffalo in 10 minutes flat.

I feel like the day didn’t even start yet and it is already midnight.  All I did was plan to nap today, never napped.  I want to go back out but refuse. I am supposed to be on a plane, just being here still is a win. Let’s preserve it.


4 thoughts on “Las Vegas Extended Version: Let’s Fucking Go!

  1. Jan

    I keep going in circles trying to find the beginning of this trip report. It must be a new one cause you posted it 5/24. It’s like groundhog day! Where oh where is day one!!

  2. John Cumings

    Your trip reports have always been my favorite TRs, because they are interior monologues rather than boring recitations of “Then we went to the Bellagio Conservatory …” That’s what makes your TRs unique and engaging.

    I’ve followed them for many years. A few years ago, it started to get confusing, at least for me, to find your latest ones. Then, the TRs either stopped, or I couldn’t find the new ones at all. I kind of gave-up.

    Today, I looked at your site for the first time in ages, and I see that there is a lot of new content, but, to me at least, it looks like a jumble of old and new. I am a linear person. I like to be able to easily begin at the beginning and move chronologically from 2020 to 2021 to 2023 as well as from Day One to Day Two etc. I can’t seem to do that here.

    Is there something I’m missing (quite possible)? Is there a URL that provides easy entry points to all the site’s content in chronological order?

    TIA for any help in navigating your site.

    1. jennifer Post author

      Hi! the newer ones are legit only halfway posted because I keep abandoning them because I am terrible. But the “Las Vegas Trip Reports” tab up top lists what is up there, with links in chronological order, if that helps?


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