Welcome to day 4 of this trip report. If you are lost and want to start at the beginning, go HERE.

Work up at Paris on day 4 for yet another shitty shitty shitty shitty shitty day at work. I crawled out of bed to stand online forever for iced coffee. I am exhausted. Because I am exhausted, little tiny insignificant things annoy me. You order coffee at Cafe Belle Madeleine at the register and pick up at a counter near the entrance/exit. But the creams and sugars are all the way back near the cashier. So you order, walk towards the exit to get your coffee, then back to where you just were……I mean this whining is so stupid and dumb and useless. It is not far at all. But exhausted and so many people and “excuse me, excuse me, EXCUSE ME” followed by dirty look by the person who thinks you are an asshole for screamng EXCUSE ME at them. But I had to because you didn’t fucking hear me the first two fucking times. Yargh.
I worked all day without a break. Then once it was time to log off, the work texts began coming in. My manager posted my birthday is this weekend and I have people texting me to wish me a happy one. This is nice, but my phone going off for work related things is really making me anxious. I need a fucking break. Good thing I am off the next five days.
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